SURE-STOP® Rubber (TPE) WaterstopClick on Images to view full screenPRODUCT BROCHURESDumbbell ProfilesInternational ProfilesCORKJOINT® Sure-Stop Rubber TPE Waterstops lead the way in high technology waterstops and comply with international standards. CORKJOINT® Sure-Stop® Rubber (TPE) Waterstops are used in...
SURE-SHIELD® TPER Chemical Resistant Waterstop
SURE-SHIELD® TPER Chemical Resistant WaterstopClick on Image to view full screenPRODUCT BROCHUREPress X Arrow Toggle for Full Screen ViewSURE-SHIELD® TPER Chemical Resistant Waterstop is extruded from specially compounded cross-linked TPER material that resists a wide range of chemicals, oils, fuels, solvents, alcohols and aqueous acids, bases and salt solutions....
SURE-STOP® COPPER WATERSTOPPRODUCT BROCHUREPress X Arrow Toggle for Full Screen ViewCORKJOINT® offers a range of Sure-Stop® Copper Waterstops designed and manufactured from phosphorus non-arsenical copper alloy at 1.0mm thick to AS1566 or BS EN 1172 international standards and specifications. Sure-Stop® Copper Waterstops are predominantly used in water retaining...
SUPERSWELL® 47B Hydrophilic Butyl Waterstop Seal
SUPERSWELL® 47B Hydrophilic Butyl Waterstop SealPRODUCT BROCHURES20 x 15mm specification25 x 19mm specification VIEW INSTALLATION VIDEOSuperswell® 47B Hydrophilic Butyl Waterstop Seal is a unique sealing compound which expands in a controlled fashion when exposed to moisture, forming a compression seal in concrete...
SUPERSEAL CJ-400 Chemical Resistant Butyl Waterstop Seal
SUPERSEAL CJ-400 Chemical Resistant Butyl Waterstop SealPRODUCT BROCHUREPress X Arrow Toggle for Full Screen ViewCORKJOINT® SUPERSEAL CJ-400 Chemical Resistant Butyl Waterstop Seal is a specially formulated chemical & hydrocarbon resistant butyl waterstop seal for use in construction joints (non-moving joints) where a permanent flexible watertight seal is...
J-SEAL® CJ-102 Butyl Rubber Sealant
J-SEAL® CJ-102 BUTYL RUBBER SEALANTClick on Image to view full screenPRODUCT BROCHUREPress X Arrow Toggle for Full Screen ViewCORKJOINT® J-SEAL® CJ-102 Butyl Rubber Sealant is a type of butyl rubber sealant that is commonly used in construction and building projects to create a water-resistant seal between two surfaces. Butyl rubber is a synthetic elastomer that is...
HYDROTITE Hydrophilic Chloroprene Rubber Waterstop
HYDROTITE Hydrophilic Chloroprene Rubber WaterstopPRODUCT BROCHUREPress X Arrow Toggle for Full Screen ViewHYDROTITE Hydrophilic Chloroprene Rubber Waterstop consists of a unique combination of expanding hydrophilic materials and non-expanding chloroprene rubber, co-extruded together to form a single strip. The expanding section is blue with the non-expanding section...
CJ FORM-TIE WATERSTOPClick on Image to view full screenPRODUCT BROCHUREPress X Arrow Toggle for Full Screen ViewCORKJOINT® CJ Form-Tie Waterstops are produced from a unique hydrophilic rubber sealing compound which expands in a controlled fashion when exposed to moisture. This forms a compression seal inside or around the form-tie system in the concrete structure,...
LEAKMASTER LV-Z Hydrophilic Gun Grade Waterstop
LEAKMASTER LV-Z Hydrophilic Gun Grade WaterstopClick on Image to ExpandPRODUCT BROCHUREPress X Arrow Toggle for Full Screen ViewThe LEAKMASTER LV-Z Hydrophilic Gun Grade Waterstop is a one component polyurethane water-swelling (hydrophilic waterstop) sealant with excellent and unique physical properties. It is a hydrophilic (water-loving) gun-grade material that...