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BOSTIK SEAL N FLEX FC Polyurethane Joint Sealant

BOSTIK SEAL N FLEX FC Polyurethane Joint Sealant

BOSTIK SEAL ‘N’ FLEX FC Fast Curing Polyurethane Trafficable Joint SealantPRODUCT BROCHUREPress X Arrow Toggle for Full Screen ViewBOSTIK SEAL N FLEX FC Fast Curing Polyurethane Trafficable Joint Sealant is a fast cure high performance one component polyurethane elastomeric joint sealant. When fully cured; Bostik Seal ‘N’ Flex FC will provide a tough, flexible seal...

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BOSTIK FIREBAN ONE Fire Rated Polyurethane Joint Sealant

BOSTIK FIREBAN ONE Fire Rated Polyurethane Joint Sealant

BOSTIK FIREBAN ONE Fire Rated Polyurethane Joint SealantPRODUCT BROCHUREPress X Arrow Toggle for Full Screen ViewBOSTIK FIREBAN ONE Fire Rated Polyurethane Joint Sealant, one-component, low modulus, curing via air humidity to form a soft, elastic, fire rated, weatherproof seal that is specifically designed for sealing construction joints and perimeter joints in...

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J-SEAL® EX TPER Sealing and Waterproofing Membrane

J-SEAL® EX TPER Sealing and Waterproofing Membrane

J-SEAL® EX TPER Sealing and Waterproofing MembraneClick on Images to view full screenPRODUCT BROCHURECORKJOINT® J-Seal® EX TPER Sealing and Waterproofing Membrane, made from Thermoplastic Elastomeric Rubber, is for flexible sealing and waterproofing of expansion joints subject to high movement for use in many different types of joints in concrete and over...

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CJ EPOXY ADHESIVEPRODUCT BROCHUREPress X Arrow Toggle for Full Screen ViewCORKJOINT® CJ Epoxy Adhesive is a 100% solid two component epoxy adhesive, with thixotropic features, formulated to apply easily without any sagging, achieving excellent bonding to different substrates. CJ Epoxy Adhesive is used to install CORKJOINT®’s TX-100 PVC Waterstop and also for use...

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J-SEAL® TPER Joint Seal

J-SEAL® TPER Joint Seal

J-SEAL TPER Joint SealPRODUCT BROCHUREPress X Arrow Toggle for Full Screen ViewCORKJOINT® J-Seal® TPER Joint Seal, made from Thermoplastic Elastomeric Rubber, is a pre-formed joint seal for use in expansion and construction joints in concrete to prevent the egress of water through the joint, and to seal against the infiltration of debris and foreign matter from...

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X-TITE® SBA MT Segmental Bridge Adhesive

X-TITE® SBA MT Segmental Bridge Adhesive

X-TITE® SBA MTMULTI TEMPERATURE GRADE TWO PART EPOXY SEGMENTAL BRIDGE ADHESIVEPRODUCT BROCHUREPress X Arrow Toggle for Full Screen ViewX-TITE® SBA MT Segmental Bridge Adhesive is a high build, solvent free thixotropic epoxy resin specifically developed for use as an adhesive for precast segmental bridge elements. It is suitable for use at different temperatures (mixed...

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CJ-100 Adhesive

CJ-100 Adhesive

CJ-100 ADHESIVEClick on Image to view full screenPRODUCT BROCHUREPress X Arrow Toggle for Full Screen ViewCORKJOINT® CJ-100 Adhesive is a premium quality solvent-based synthetic rubber resin adhesive formulated to bond a variety of common materials. It has high viscosity, short tack time, is easy-to-apply, offers superior bonding strength and cost savings. CJ-100...

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DOWELFORM® Dowelbar Sleeve System

DOWELFORM® Dowelbar Sleeve System

DOWELFORM® Dowelbar Sleeve SystemPRODUCT BROCHUREPress X Arrow Toggle for Full Screen ViewCORKJOINT® DOWELFORM® Dowelbar Sleeve System is a two part system comprising a rigid PVC dowelbar sleeve and a reusable rigid PVC nailing plate. Dowelform is suitable for use with 20mm, 25mm and 32mm round or square dowelbars. DOWELFORM® Dowelbar Sleeve System allows for...

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EZE-CRACK® Metal Crack Inducer

EZE-CRACK® Metal Crack Inducer

EZE-CRACK® Metal Crack InducerPRODUCT BROCHUREPress X Arrow Toggle for Full Screen ViewCORKJOINT® Eze-Crack® Metal Crack Inducers are used in concrete slabs to induce controlled cracks at specific locations while allowing for continuous concrete pouring. Eze-Crack® Metal Crack Inducer is made from rigid galvanised metal. It is positioned after levelling/screeding of...

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