SURE-STOP® PVC WATERSTOPClick on Images to view full screenPRODUCT BROCHURESStandard ProfilesInternational ProfilesTypical InstallationsWelding EquipmentWelding DemonstrationCORKJOINT® Sure-Stop® PVC Waterstops lead the way in high...
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SUPERSWELL® 47B Hydrophilic Butyl Waterstop Seal
SUPERSWELL® 47B Hydrophilic Butyl Waterstop SealPRODUCT BROCHURES20 x 15mm specification25 x 19mm specification VIEW INSTALLATION VIDEOSuperswell® 47B Hydrophilic Butyl Waterstop Seal is a unique sealing compound which expands in a controlled fashion when exposed to moisture, forming a compression seal in concrete...
J-SEAL® EX TPER Sealing and Waterproofing Membrane
J-SEAL® EX TPER Sealing and Waterproofing MembraneClick on Images to view full screenPRODUCT BROCHURECORKJOINT® J-Seal® EX TPER Sealing and Waterproofing Membrane, made from Thermoplastic Elastomeric Rubber, is for flexible sealing and waterproofing of expansion joints subject to high movement for use in many different types of joints in concrete and over...