HYDROSTOP® CJ1 Injection Hose SystemPRODUCT BROCHUREPress X Arrow Toggle for Full Screen ViewHYDROSTOP® CJ1 Injection Hose System is a specially designed, highly functional multi-injectable injection hose system, used to seal joints in concrete against water egress. HYDROSTOP® CJ1 Injection Hose System is used to transport grouting materials and then disperse them...
HYDROSTOP® ACRYLIC GEL Injection Sealing Material
HYDROSTOP® ACRYLIC GEL Injection Sealing MaterialClick on Image to view full screen VIEW PRODUCT BROCHUREPRODUCT BROCHUREPress X Arrow Toggle for Full Screen ViewHydrostop® Acrylic Gel Injection Sealing Material is an elastic hydrophilic two (2) component (A + B) acrylic gel designed to be used with the Hydrostop® CJ1 Injection Hose System or with injection packers...
J-SEAL® PU1 Polyurethane Joint Sealant
J-SEAL® PU1 Polyurethane Joint SealantPRODUCT BROCHUREPress X Arrow Toggle for Full Screen ViewCORKJOINT® J-SEAL® PU1 Polyurethane Joint Sealant is a one-component, gun grade, polyurethane joint sealant with high bond strength, which cures on absorption of atmospheric moisture to form a firm and flexible seal for moderate movement joints, construction joints and...
J-SEAL® MS1 Modified Silicone Joint Sealant
J-SEAL® MS1 Modified Silicone Joint SealantPRODUCT BROCHUREPress X Arrow Toggle for Full Screen ViewCORKJOINT® J-SEAL® MS1 Modified Silicone Joint Sealant is a fast curing one part modified silicone based joint sealant, which cures on absorption of atmospheric moisture to form a firm and flexible seal for moderate movement joints, construction joints and control...
J-SEAL® N49 Primer
J-SEAL® N49 PRIMERPRODUCT BROCHUREPress X Arrow Toggle for Full Screen ViewCORKJOINT® J-SEAL® N49 PRIMER is a one-component primer for use on porous surfaces such as concrete, synthetic and natural stone facings, brick, block and limestone, etc. and to be applied for use in construction, contraction and expansion joints in concrete and masonry structures. The primer...
J-SEAL® PS-100 High Performance Polysulphide Joint Sealant
J-SEAL® PS-100 High Performance Polysulphide Joint SealantClick on Images to view full screenPRODUCT BROCHUREPRODUCT SAFETY DATA SHEETJ-Seal® PS-100 is a high performance polysulphide joint sealant for use in a variety of applications. It has excellent adhesion to most substrates and can be used in immersed...
J-SEAL® PS-200 FR Fuel and Flame Resistant Polysulphide Joint Sealant
J-SEAL® PS-200 FR Fuel and Flame Resistant Polysulphide Joint SealantClick on Images to view full screenPRODUCT BROCHUREPRODUCT SAFETY DATA SHEET - PART APRODUCT SAFETY DATA SHEET - PART BJ-SEAL® PS-200 FR Fuel and Flame Resistant Polysulphide Joint Sealant is a two component...
J-SEAL® PS PRIMER Polysulphide Joint Sealant Primer
J-SEAL® PS PRIMER Polysulphide Joint Sealant PrimerClick on Images to view full screenPRODUCT BROCHUREPRODUCT SAFETY DATA SHEETJ-SEAL® PS PRIMER Polysulphide Joint Sealant Primer is a one component high penetration primer for use with J-Seal® PS-100 and J-Seal® PS-200 FR polysulphide joint sealants, which assists in...
BOSTIK SEAL N FLEX One Plus P590 Polyurethane Joint Sealant
Bostik Seal N Flex One Plus P590 Polyurethane SealantPRODUCT BROCHUREPress X Arrow Toggle for Full Screen ViewBostik Seal N Flex One Plus P590 Polyurethane Sealant is a one-component, high-performance, low modulus, bubble free curing, universal polyurethane sealant for construction and expansion joints. When cured it will form a tough and flexible seal capable of...